Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This was written by Stanley Hanna, a man of many parts.
He is an ordained minister, a skilled woodworker and carpenter, a crafter of fine writing pens, a musician, a teacher, and an avid reader.
He is also my nephew and my friend!
(see his pen website link below)
First Snow
Wind driven snow slants past the streetlight
I dream
a gust of wind fills sail
snap! the brilliant fabric grows taut
the sparkle of sunlight beam
highlights the wave tops
and we are pulled along
as if on a string
the wind strengthens
the craft heels
rudder, keel, airflow,
all struggle for control
we bob, we weave, we tack
harnessing the unseen
to gain fragile steerage
for where?
only to get there before we know it
such joy and exhilaration
then its over
the sail is dropped
wind so carefully harnessed
now left to wend its way free
I awake
wind driven snow slants past the streetlight
I leave
so I can dream again tomorrow

First Snow
Written by Stanley J. T. Hanna ©
Autumn 2009
Nepean ON Canada

1 comment:

Morgan said...

His writing is so eloquent. It's just beautiful.

btw, if you want to check it out, my blog is http://mmdwilson.blogspot.com